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Real 802.11 Security

发表于 2009-12-29 23:06:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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作者:Jon Edney, William A. Arbaugh
出版日期:July 15, 2003
出版社:Addison Wesley

“Real 802.11 Security provides clear descriptions ofcurrent and emerging security techniques. The authors handle complextopics nicely, and offer significant clarification of IEEE draftstandards.”
-Russ Housley, IETF Security Area Director and founder of Vigil Security, LLC

“This is certainly the definitive text on the internals of 802.11 security!”
-John Viega, founder and chief scientist, Secure Software, Inc.

“This book keeps the exposition as straightforwardas possible and enables you to cut through the maze of acronyms,hacking tools, rumored weaknesses, and vague vendor security claims tomake educated security decisions when purchasing or deploying WLAN.”
-Simon Blake-Wilson, Director of Information Security, BCI

Business professionals and advanced home users arecaptivated by the convenience of working on wireless networks. But howcan privacy and security be maintained effectively? Real 802.11 Security describesan entirely new approach to wireless LAN security based on the latestdevelopments in Wi-Fi technology. This is the book that will show youhow to establish real security within your Wi-Fi LAN.

Recent developments in Wi-Fi security achieve whatno amount of reconfiguration can do: They solve the problem at thesource. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) repairs weaknesses in existingWi-Fi systems and is designed to allow software upgrades. The upcoming802.11i standard will offer a much higher level of security thanpreviously offered and will provide flexible, extremely securesolutions for future products.

Real 802.11 Securityaddresses the theory, implementations, and reality of Wi-Fi security.It provides an overview of security issues, explains how security worksin Wi-Fi networks, and explores various security and authenticationprotocols. The book concludes with an in-depth discussion of real-worldsecurity issues and attack tools.

Written by two experts in wireless security, JonEdney and William Arbaugh, this book shows you how to stay informed andaware when making security decisions, and what steps you can take toimplement the most effective, proactive wireless security now and inthe future.


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