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Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Office

发表于 2009-12-17 17:35:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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作者:Paul McFedries
出版日期:March 24, 2007
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0789736683 ISBN-13: 978-0789736680

Product Description“If you’ve never quite grasped formulas andfunctions, Paul McFedries will radically expand your understanding anduse of Excel. And if you’re already an expert and you’re moving up toExcel 2007, this book will quickly show you features you’ve onlydreamed of until now…”
—Thomas ‘Duffbert’ Duff, Duffbert’s Random Musings, http://www.twduff.com

Develop your Microsoft Excel expertise instantly with proven techniques
  • Master Excel Ranges
  • Create Powerful Arrays
  • Troubleshoot Formula Problems
  • Validate Worksheet Data
  • Perform What-If Analysis
  • Model Your Business
  • Track Trends and Make
  • Forecasts
  • Analyze Data
  • Find Optimal Solutions
  • Build Dynamic Loan
  • Schedules
Most Microsoft® Excel users learn only a smallpercentage of the program’s features. They know they could get more outof Excel if they could just get a leg up on building formulas and usingfunctions. Unfortunately, this side of Excel appears complex andintimidating to the uninitiated—shrouded in the mysteries ofmathematics, finance, and impenetrable spreadsheet jargon.
Sound familiar? If you’re a businessperson whoneeds to use Excel as an everyday part of your job, then you’ve come tothe right book.  Formulas and Functions with Microsoft® Office Excel2007 demystifies worksheet formulas and presents the most useful Excelfunctions in an accessible,  jargon-free way.  This book not only takesyou through Excel’s intermediate and advanced formula-buildingfeatures, it also tells you why these features are useful to you andshows you how to use them in everyday situations. Throughout the bookyou’ll find no-nonsense, step-by-step tutorials and lots of practicalexamples aimed directly at business users.

•    Focuses like a laser on the fourtechnologies that you must master to get the most out of Excel: ranges,formulas, functions, and data analysis tools.
•    Shuns spreadsheet theory in favor of practical  know-how that you can put to use right away.
•    Provides numerous real-world examples and techniques to help you learn and understand the importance of each section.

Paul McFedries is well-known as a teacherof Windows and Office, particularly Excel, and is the president ofLogophilia Limited, a technical writing company. Paul has been workingwith spreadsheets for more than 20 years and has been developing Excelsolutions since the late 1980s. Now primarily a writer, Paul haswritten more than 50 books that have sold more than three millioncopies worldwide. These books include Microsoft Office Access 2007Forms, Reports, and Queries; Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus(all from Que); and Microsoft Windows Vista Unleashed (Sams).

Category  Office Productivity Suite
Covers    Microsoft Office Excel 2007
User Level         Intermediate – Advanced

About the Author
Paul McFedries is thepresident of Logophilia Limited, a technical writing company. Nowprimarily a writer, Paul has worked as a programmer, consultant,spreadsheet developer, and website developer. He has written more than50 books that have sold more than three million copies worldwide. Thesebooks include Access 2007 Forms, Reports, and Queries (Que, 2007), Tricks of the Microsoft Office 2007 Gurus (Que, 2007), VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Que, 2007), and Windows Vista Unleashed (Sams, 2006).


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