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Cisco Router Firewall Security

发表于 2009-9-26 09:15:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Richard A. Deal
出版日期:August 10, 2004
出版社:Cisco Press

Harden perimeter routers with Cisco firewall functionality and features to ensure network security
Detect and prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks with TCPIntercept, Context-Based Access Control (CBAC), and rate-limitingtechniques
Use Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) to detect and filter unwanted and malicious traffic
Use router authentication to prevent spoofing and routing attacks
Activate basic Cisco IOS filtering features like standard, extended,timed, lock-and-key, and reflexive ACLs to block various types ofsecurity threats and attacks, such as spoofing, DoS, Trojan horses, andworms
Use black hole routing, policy routing, and Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) to protect against spoofing attacks
Apply stateful filtering of traffic with CBAC, including dynamic port mapping
Use Authentication Proxy (AP) for user authentication
Perform address translation with NAT, PAT, load distribution, and other methods
Implement stateful NAT (SNAT) for redundancy
Use Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to protect against basic types of attacks
Obtain how-to instructions on basic logging and learn to easily interpret results
Apply IPSec to provide secure connectivity for site-to-site and remote access connections
Read about many, many more features of the IOS firewall for mastery of router security
The Cisco IOS firewall offers you the feature-rich functionalitythat you’ve come to expect from best-of-breed firewalls: addresstranslation, authentication, encryption, stateful filtering, failover,URL content filtering, ACLs, NBAR, and many others. Cisco RouterFirewall Security teaches you how to use the Cisco IOS firewall toenhance the security of your perimeter routers and, along the way, takeadvantage of the flexibility and scalability that is part of the CiscoIOS Software package.
Each chapter in Cisco Router Firewall Security addresses animportant component of perimeter router security. Author Richard Dealexplains the advantages and disadvantages of all key security featuresto help you understand when they should be used and includes examplesfrom his personal consulting experience to illustrate critical issuesand security pitfalls. A detailed case study is included at the end ofthe book, which illustrates best practices and specific information onhow to implement Cisco router security features.
Whether you are looking to learn about firewall security or seekinghow-to techniques to enhance security in your Cisco routers, CiscoRouter Firewall Security is your complete reference for securing theperimeter of your network.
This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from CiscoPress, which offers networking professionals valuable information forconstructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, andbuilding successful careers.


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发表于 2011-2-19 20:55:14 | 显示全部楼层
this is good reference book for beginner,thanks for sharing.





使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-2-19 21:07:39 | 显示全部楼层
good stuff

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-10 14:58:38 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-13 06:11:22 | 显示全部楼层


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