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Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH) (2nd Edition)

发表于 2009-9-20 19:03:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Keith Hutton, Mark Schofield, Diane Teare
出版日期:January 3, 2009
出版社:Cisco Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1587055740 ISBN-13: 978-1587055744

Product Description
Authorized Self-Study Guide
Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH)
Second Edition

Foundation learning for ARCH exam 642-873

Keith Hutton
Mark Schofield
Diane Teare

Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH),Second Edition, is a Cisco®-authorized, self-paced learning tool forCCDP® foundation learning. This book provides you with knowledge of thelatest developments in network design and technologies, includingnetwork infrastructure, intelligent network services, and convergednetwork solutions. By reading this book, you will gain a thoroughunderstanding of issues and considerations for fundamentalinfrastructure services, including security, network management, QoS,high availability, bandwidth use optimization through IP multicasting,and design architectures for network solutions such as voice over WLANand e-commerce.

Whether you are preparing for CCDPcertification or simply want to gain a better understanding of modularcampus and edge network design and strategic solutions for enterprisenetworks such as storage area networking, virtual private networking,advanced addressing and routing, and data centers, you will benefitfrom the foundation information presented in this book.

Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH),Second Edition, is part of a recommended learning path from Cisco thatincludes simulation and hands-on training from authorized CiscoLearning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press. To find outmore about instructor-led training, e-learning, and hands-oninstruction offered by authorized Cisco Learning Partners worldwide,please visit www.cisco.com/go/authorizedtraining.

Keith Hutton is a lead architect for BellCanada in the enterprise customer space. Keith still retains hiscertified Cisco instructor accreditation, as well as the CCDP, CCNP®,and CCIP® certifications.

Mark Schofield has been a network architectat Bell Canada for the past six years. During the past five years, hehas been involved in the design, implementation, and planning of largenational networks for Bell Canada’s federal government customers.

Diane Teare is a professional in thenetworking, training, project management, and e-learning fields. Shehas more than 20 years of experience in designing, implementing, andtroubleshooting network hardware and software, and has been involved inteaching, course design, and project management.

  • Learn about the Cisco SONA framework, enterprise campus architecture, and PPDIOO network life-cycle approach
  • Review high availability designs and implement optimal redundancy
  • Plan scalable EIGRP, OSPF, and BGP designs
  • Implement advanced WAN services
  • Evaluate design considerations in the data center core, aggregation, and access layers
  • Design storage area networks (SANs) and extend the SAN with various protocols
  • Design and tune an integrated e-commerce architecture
  • Integrate firewall, NAC, and intrusion detection/prevention into your network design
  • Design IPsec and SSL remote access VPNs
  • Deploy IP multicast and multicast routing
  • Incorporate voice over WLAN in the enterprise network
  • Utilize the network management capabilities inherent in Cisco IOS® software

This volume is in the CertificationSelf-Study Series offered by Cisco Press®. Books in this series provideofficially developed self-study solutions to help networkingprofessionals understand technology implementations and prepare for theCisco Career Certifications examinations.

Category: Network Design
Covers: ARCH exam 642-873
About the Author

Keith Hutton isan information technology professional with close to 20 years ofexperience in the industry. Over the course of his career, Keith hasworked as a professional services engineer, presales engineer,third-line operational support engineer, engineering team lead,instructor, and author. Keith currently works as a professionalservices engineer for Bell Canada, responsible for the design andconfiguration of network security infrastructures. Keith has a B.A.honors degree from Queen’s University, and is a certified Ciscoinstructor, Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), CiscoCertified Design Professional (CCDP), and Cisco CertifiedInternetworking Professional (CCIP).

Mark Schofield hasbeen a network architect at Bell Canada for the past six years. Workingfor the largest service provider in Canada, he has designedMultiprotocol Layer Switching (MPLS) virtual private networks (VPNs)with IP quality of service (QoS) for large enterprise customers. Duringthe past five years at Bell, he has been involved in the design,implementation, and planning of large national networks for BellCanada’s federal government customers. As part of a cross-company team,he developed Bell Canada’s premier MPLS VPN product. Mark has a MLISfrom the University of Western Ontario and a B.A. and M.A. degrees fromthe University of Guelph. Industry certifications include the CiscoCertified Systems Instructor (CCIP), Cisco Certified NetworkProfessional (CCNP), Citrix Certified Enterprise Administrator (CCEA),and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE).

Diane Teare is a professionalin the networking, training, project management, and elearning fields.She has more than 20 years of experience in designing, implementing,and troubleshooting network hardware and software, and has beeninvolved in teaching, course design, and project management. She hasextensive knowledge of network design and routing technologies, and isan instructor with one of the largest authorized Cisco LearningPartners. She was recently the director of e-learning for the samecompany, where she was responsible for planning and supporting all thecompany’s e-learning offerings in Canada, including Cisco courses.Diane has a bachelor’s degree in applied science in electricalengineering and a master’s degree in applied science in managementscience. She is a certified Cisco instructor and currently holds herCisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), Cisco Certified DesignProfessional (CCDP), and Project Management Professional (PMP)certifications. She coauthored the Cisco Press titles Campus Network Design Fundamentals, the three editions of Authorized Self-Study Guide Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI), and Building Scalable Cisco Networks; and edited the two editions of the Authorized Self-Study Guide Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) and Designing Cisco Networks.


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