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MySQL Cookbook 1st Edition

发表于 2009-9-6 10:45:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Paul DuBois
副书名:Solutions and Examples for Mysql Database Developers
出版日期:October 2002
ISBN:ISBN13: 9780596001452 ; ISBN10: 0596001452

The MySQL database management system has become quite popular inrecent years. This has been true especially in the Linux and opensource communities, but MySQL’s presence in the commercial sector nowis increasing as well. It is well liked for several reasons: MySQL isfast, and it’s easy to set up, use, and administrate. MySQL runs undermany varieties of Unix and Windows, and MySQL-based programs can bewritten in many languages. MySQL is especially heavily used incombination with a web server for constructing database-backed websites that involve dynamic content generation.
With MySQL’s rise in popularity comes the need to address thequestions posed by its users about how to solve specific problems. Thatis the purpose of MySQL Cookbook. It’s designed to serve as a handyresource to which you can turn when you need quick solutions ortechniques for attacking particular types of questions that come upwhen you use MySQL. Naturally, because it’s a cookbook, it containsrecipes: straightforward instructions you can follow rather thandevelop your own code from scratch. It’s written using aproblem-and-solution format
designed to be extremely practical and to make the contents easy toread and assimilate. It contains many short sections, each describinghow to write a query, apply a technique, or develop a script to solve aproblem of limited and specific scope. This book doesn’t attempt todevelop full-fledged applications. Instead, it’s intended to assist youin developing such applications yourself by helping you get pastproblems that have you stumped.


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