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The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Book: The Complete Guide for Photographers

发表于 2010-1-13 14:16:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Martin Evening
出版日期:August 10, 2008
出版社:Adobe Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0321555619 ISBN-13: 978-0321555618

Product Description
While Adobe Photoshop has long been their choice for editing digitalphotographs, many photographers want a more focused tool. That’s whereAdobe Photoshop Lightroom comes in. Designed from the ground up withdigital photographers in mind, Photoshop Lightroom offers powerfulediting features in a streamlined interface that lets photographersimport, sort, and organize images. This completely updated and expandedbestseller, The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Book, was also written withphotographers in mind. Author Martin Evening describes features inPhotoshop Lightroom 2 in detail from a photographer’s perspective. Asan established commercial and fashion photographer, Martin knowsfirst-hand what photographers need for an efficient workflow. He hasalso been working with Lightroom from the beginning, monitoring theproduct’s development and providing feedback on the public beta. As aresult, Martin knows the software inside and out, from image selectionto image editing to image management.
The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Book contains 624 pages ofcomprehensive and detailed coverage of all aspects of Lightroom. Inthis book you’ll learn how to:
• Work efficiently with images shot in the raw or JPEG format
• Import photographs with ease and sort them according to your workflow
• Create and manage a personal image library
• Apply tonal adjustments to multiple images quickly
• Integrate Photoshop Lightroom with Adobe Photoshop
• Export images for print or Web as digital contact sheets or personal
The book structure has been organized to match a typical Lightroomworkflow. The introductory chapter provides an overview of all the mainLightroom features, showing how Lightroom 2 was used on a studio photoshoot that was specially shot to illustrate the book. The followingchapters cover all the essentials, such as importing photos, workingwith the Library module, and managing the catalog database. The biggestsection of the book is devoted to working with the Develop module andprovides some unique insights into working with new features such asthe localized adjustment tools. There is also a whole chapter devotedto image sharpening and another on integrating Lightroom and Photoshop,where you will learn how to devise the best workflow methods forworking between these two programs. This is followed by a chapter onprinting and a presentation chapter on the Slideshow and Web modules.Lastly, there are two appendix chapters. One offers a complete overviewof the Lightroom 2 preference settings, while the other provides somein-depth explanations and background reading on how the Lightroomprogram works.
The book is richly illustrated, mostly using the author’s ownphotographs, and one of the nice features of this book is the wayenlarged panel views are used throughout, making it easier for readersto follow the settings used in the various step-by-step examples. Thereare also lots of tips that will help you take your Lightroom techniquesto an advanced level.
If you are looking for the most comprehensive coverage of Lightroom,written by an author who is closely involved with the development ofthe program, this is the book to get.
About the Author
Martin Evening is a London-based advertising and fashion photographerand noted expert in both photography and digital imaging. In additionto being a bestselling author, Martin is sought after for speaking andlecturing. He also works with the Photoshop and Lightroom engineeringteams, consulting on new feature development and alpha and betatesting. He is one of the founding members of PixelGenius, a softwaredesign company producing automated production and creative plug-ins forPhotoshop.
About the Author
Martin Evening is a London-based advertising and fashion photographerand noted expert in both photography and digital imaging. In additionto being a bestselling author, Martin is sought after for speaking andlecturing.
He also works with the Photoshop and Lightroom engineering teams,consulting on new feature development and alpha and beta testing. He isone of the founding members of PixelGenius, a software design companyproducing automated production and creative plug-ins for Photoshop.


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