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Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: A Professional Image Editor’s Guide to th

发表于 2010-1-12 16:16:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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作者:Martin Evening
出版日期:December 15, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0240521250 ISBN-13: 978-0240521251

‘When it’s all said and done, tools-whether hardware or software-arejust tools, and it’s your ideas and images that matter. You’ll findthat Martin knows both sides of the equation and never lets thetechniques distract from the vision. I think you’ll find hisperspective and experience invaluable.’
John Nack, Principal Product Manager, Adobe Photoshop
‘Evening’s Adobe Photoshop for Photographers titles have becomeclassic reference sources, written to deal directly with the needs ofphotographers and filled with a wealth of practical advice, hints andtips to help you achieve professional results.’
Professional Photographer
‘Richly illustrated with photos and screen grabs, this is aninvaluable guide for anyone serious about Photoshop at a veryreasonable price.’
What Digital Camera
‘…the bible for digital photographers. Wonderfully illustrated andincredibly detailed to help you master all aspects of the program.’
Product Description
Martin Evening’s Adobe Photoshop for Photographers titles have becomeclassic reference sources for photographers at all skill levels.Whether you are an accomplished user or just starting out, the AdobePhotoshop CS4 for Photographers book contains a wealth of practicaladvice, hints and tips to help you achieve professional-looking results.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers begins with an overview of thePhotoshop interface and the fundamentals of how to use Photoshop,followed by how to configure and optimize your computer’s performanceto run the program and then it dives straight into the essentials ofCamera Raw image editing. The Sharpening chapter shows how to use theCamera Raw controls to obtain optimum capture sharpening and noisereduction and the Essentials chapter outlines how to work with all thebasic image adjustment tools that are in the program, some of whichhave been there since the very beginning.
Practical workshops show you how to master the essential techniques,such as color correction, retouching techniques, toning a black andwhite image, creating composite images and so on. Each technique isdescribed in step-by-step detail, showing exactly which command to use,whether you are working with a Mac or PC computer.
The accompanying DVD contains a Photoshop for Photographers Help Guide.This is supplied in a web browser format that you can either run fromthe DVD or copy to your computer hard disk for off-line viewing. TheHelp Guide contains a complete guide to all the tools and panels inPhotoshop as well as other items in the program. It is like having anoff-line manual with which to learn more about what each Photoshop tooland palette does. The guide also provides 120 minutes of movietutorials on Photoshop CS4. If you are just beginning to work withdigital images or are looking for new ideas, the best techniques andways to improve the quality of your work, this is the book for you!


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