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Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment 2nd Edition

发表于 2010-1-10 13:54:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago
出版社:Addison Wesley

“Stephen Rago’s update is a long overdue benefit to the community ofprofessionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-likeoperating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newerdevelopments. It also thoroughly updates the context of all topics,examples, and applications to recent releases of popularimplementations of UNIX and UNIX-like environments. And yet, it doesall this while retaining the style and taste of the originalclassic.”–Mukesh Kacker, cofounder and former CTO of Pronto Networks,Inc.”One of the essential classics of UNIX programming.”–Eric S.Raymond, author of The Art of UNIX Programming”This is the definitivereference book for any serious or professional UNIX systems programmer.Rago has updated and extended the classic Stevens text while keepingtrue to the original. The APIs are illuminated by clear examples oftheir use. He also mentions many of the pitfalls to look out for whenprogramming across different UNIX system implementations and points outhow to avoid these pitfalls using relevant standards such as POSIX1003.1, 2004 edition and the Single UNIX Specification, Version3.”–Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, and Chair ofthe POSIX 1003.1 Working Group”Advanced Programming in the UNIX®Environment, Second Edition, is an essential reference for anyonewriting programs for a UNIX system. It’s the first book I turn to whenI want to understand or re-learn any of the various system interfaces.Stephen Rago has successfully revised this book to incorporate neweroperating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple’s OS X while keeping trueto the first edition in terms of both readability and usefulness. Itwill always have a place right next to my computer.”–Dr. BenjaminKuperman, Swarthmore CollegePraise for the First Edition”AdvancedProgramming in the UNIX® Environment is a must-have for any serious Cprogrammer who works under UNIX. Its depth, thoroughness, and clarityof explana-tion are unmatched.”–UniForum Monthly”Numerous readersrecommended Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment by W. RichardStevens (Addison-Wesley), and I’m glad they did; I hadn’t even heard ofthis book, and it’s been out since 1992. I just got my hands on a copy,and the first few chapters have been fascinating.”–Open Systems Today”Amuch more readable and detailed treatment of UNIX internals can befound in Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment by W. RichardStevens (Addison-Wesley). This book includes lots of realisticexamples, and I find it quite helpful when I have systems programmingtasks to do.”–RS/Magazine”This is the definitive reference book for anyserious or professional UNIX systems programmer. Rago has updated andextended the original Stevens classic while keeping true to theoriginal.”–Andrew Josey, Director, Certification, The Open Group, andChair of the POSIX 1003.1 Working GroupFor over a decade, serious Cprogrammers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledgeof the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W.Richard Stevens’ Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment. Now,Stevens’ colleague Stephen Rago has thoroughly updated this classic toreflect the latest technical advances and add support for today’sleading UNIX and Linux platforms.Rago carefully retains the spirit andapproach that made this book a classic. Building on Stevens’ work, hebegins with basic topics such as files, directories, and processes,carefully laying the groundwork for understanding more advancedtechniques, such as signal handling and terminal I/O.Substantial newmaterial includes chapters on threads and multithreaded programming,using the socket interface to drive interprocess communication (IPC),and extensive coverage of the interfaces added to the latest version ofthe POSIX.1 standard. Nearly all examples have been tested on four oftoday’s most widely used UNIX/Linux platforms: FreeBSD 5.2.1; the Linux2.4.22 kernel; Solaris 9; and Darwin 7.4.0, the FreeBSD/Mach hybridunderlying Apple’s Mac OS X 10.3.As in the first edition, you’ll learnthrough example, including more than 10,000 lines of downloadable, ANSIC source code. More than 400 system calls and functions aredemonstrated with concise, complete programs that clearly illustratetheir usage, arguments, and return values. To tie together what you’velearned, the book presents several chapter-length case studies, eachfully updated for contemporary environments.Advanced Programming in theUNIX® Environment has helped a generation of programmers write codewith exceptional power, performance, and reliability. Now updated fortoday’s UNIX/Linux systems, this second edition will be even moreindispensable.


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