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Network Warrior

发表于 2010-1-6 22:42:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Gary A. Donahue
出版日期:June 1, 2007
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0596101511 ISBN-13: 978-0596101510

Written by networking veteran with 20 years of experience, Network Warriorprovides a thorough and practical introduction to the entire networkinfrastructure, from cabling to the routers. What you need to learn topass a Cisco certification exam such as CCNA and what you need to knowto survive in the real world are two very different things. Thestrategies that this book offers weren ‘t on the exam, but they ‘reexactly what you need to do your job well.
Network Warrior takes you step by step through the world ofhubs, switches, firewalls, and more, including ways to troubleshoot acongested network, and when to upgrade and why. Along the way, you ‘llgain an historical perspective of various networking features, such asthe way Ethernet evolved. Based on the author ’s own experience as wellas those he worked for and with, Network Warrior is a Cisco-centricbook, focused primarily on the TCP/IP protocol and Ethernet networks —the realm that Cisco Systems now dominates. The book covers:
The type of networks now in use, from LANs, WANs and MANs to CANs
  • The OSI Model and the layers involved in sending data
  • Hubs, repeaters, switches, and trunks in practice
  • Auto negotiation and why it ’s a common problem in network slowdowns
  • Route maps, routing protocols, and switching algorithms in Cisco routers
  • The resilient Ethernet — how to make things truly redundant
  • Cisco 6500 multi-layer switches and the Catalyst 3750 switch
  • Telecom nomenclature — why it ’s different from the data world
  • T1 and DS3
  • Firewall theory, designing access lists, authentication in Cisco devices
  • Server load balancing technology
  • Content switch module in action
  • Designing QOS and what QOS does not do
  • IP design and subnetting made easy
The book also explains how to sell your ideas to management, hownetworks become a mess as a company grows, and why change control isyour friend. Network Warrior will help network administrators and engineers win the complex battles they face every day.
About the Author
Gary A. Donahue is a working consultant who has been in the computerindustry for 25 years. Gary has worked as a programmer, mainframeadministrator, Technical Assistance Center engineer, networkadministrator, network designer, and consultant. Gary has worked as theDirector of Network Infrastructure for a national consulting companyand has been the president of his own New Jersey consulting company;GAD Technologies. Having designed and built networks ranging fromsimple LANs to world-wide converged VoIP networks, Gary has worked withpeople from all levels of IT and management. From small localbusinesses to Fortune 500 clients Gary observed many misunderstandingsregarding routing and switching technologies, even among people withhigh-level certifications. Gary’s goal as a consultant has always beento help his clients understand the technology at hand. Over the yearshe has written many documents outlining complex technologies in orderthat others might better understand. Much of this knowledge has beentransformed into this book. Being a teacher by nature, Gary enjoys theprocess of imparting newfound understanding to others. Gary has taughtTae Kwon Do, Photography and Astronomy both informally and throughprofessional schools. Being someone who disdains boredom, Gary has manyhobbies including amateur radio, astronomy, bicycling, computers of allkinds, gadgets, guitar, hiking, home theater, martial arts,photography, SCUBA diving, and competitive shooting. Gary is the ownerof the Newf-Net Newfoundland Dog forum and is the author of the Newf-LF.A.Q.


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