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JavaScript 2.0: The Complete Reference, Second Edition

发表于 2010-1-5 00:00:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Thomas Powell and Fritz Schneider

About the Authors
Thomas Powell ([email protected])has been involved in the Internet community for well over ten years. Inthe early 1990s he worked for the first Internet service provider inSouthern California, CERFnet. In 1994 he founded PINT, Inc.(www.pint.com), a Web development and consulting firm with headquartersin San Diego, which services numerous corporate clients around thecountry.
Powell is also the author of numerous other Web developmentbooks including the bestsellers, HTML & XHTML: The CompleteReference, Web Design: The Complete Reference, and Web SiteEngineering. He also writes frequently about Web technologies forNetwork World magazine.
Mr. Powell teaches Web design anddevelopment classes for the University of California, San DiegoComputer Science and Engineering Department, as well as the InformationTechnologies program at the UCSD Extension. He holds a B.S. from UCLAand a M.S. in Computer Science from UCSD.
Fritz Schneider received aB.S. in Computer Engineering from Columbia University and an M.S. inComputer Science from UC San Diego. He works as a Software Engineer atGoogle, and his prior work experience includes time spent in Webdevelopment, privacy, and security. Among other things, he spends histime lobbying Google’s management on the obvious need for anengineering office in Fiji. Until the lobby succeeds, he’s content tolive in San Francisco and dream of a world without war, and a citywithout parking enforcement.
When you take thetime out of your life to write a doorstop-sized book like this one, youtend to rely on a lot of people’s assistance. I’ll mention only a fewof them here to avoid adding too many more pages to this alreadymassive tome.
First off, as expected, the folks at Osborne were apleasure to work with. The cast of characters changes from book to bookbut always are a pleasure to work with: Athena Honore, Lisa McClain,Nancy Maragioglio, Kenyon Brown, Claire Splan, Linda Medoff, and JackLewis. Our technical editor Michael Linde did his best to keep usaccurate. Megg Morin wasn’t involved in this particular project, butgiven my long history with Osborne, she deserves mention for guiding methrough everything to this point.
Special mention to my outsideeditorial strike force of one should go to Daisy Bhonsle, who providedexcellent assistance far beyond my expectations. Her eagle eye fordetails is rare in this world.
The employees at PINT provide dozensof right hands for me and deserve special mentions. First, Mine Okanohas helped run another book project and has done an excellent job atit. Mine also deserves special thanks for juggling this book projectwhile preparing for her wedding. Fritz and I wish her and Marc muchhappiness in their life together.
Other PINTsters always lend a handwhen I need it. In particular, Jeremy Weir provided great assistancepreparing advanced demos in later chapters. Cory Ducker and MarcusRichard also helped out with little code projects as they arose. DaveAndrews, as always, could be counted on for related network and serverissues. Other PINT employees including Dan Whitworth, Catrin Walsh,Jimmy Tam, Rob McFarlane, James Brock, Vergil Pascual, Eric Raether,Cathleen Ryan, Meredith Hodge, Scott Hedstrom, Ryan Herndon, DavidSanchez, Melinda Serrato, Darlene Hernandez, Michele Bedard, CandiceFong, Heather Jurek, Kun Puparussanon, Kevin Griffith, Nick Carter, andnumerous others helped out by just keeping the projects rolling while Iwas busy. Joe Lima, Allan Pister, Christie Sorenson, Chris Neppes, AndyLohr, Tad Fleshman, and Jared Ashlock deserve some praise for gettingsome of my outside software project duties taken care of as well.
Studentsin undergraduate and extension classes always make good points and manyof their ideas are incorporated into this edition.
Somehow I findtime outside of the Web for friends, family, and home. My wife Sylviain particular made sure I didn’t work all day every weekend. Tucker andAngus, who make their print debut in Chapter 16, always forced thatissue.
Last, the most thanks go to the thousands of readers aroundthe world who have purchased my various Web technology and designbooks. It is really a great pleasure to get such positive feedback andsee folks putting this information to good use.
Thomas A. Powell
June 2004
I’dlike to acknowledge the patience and hard work of my co-author, Thomas,and the time he’s spent talking to me about various topics, bothtechnical and otherwise. Also Mine Okano for her continual assistancewith this project, not to mention her sense of humor. Deserved ofthanks is my manager at Google, Bill Coughran, for his confidence andsupport.
And since this book is nearly a thousand pages long andThomas did a great job of thanking those who helped us, I’ll do you thereader a favor and leave it at that  
Fritz Schneider
June 2004


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