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Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Second Edition

发表于 2010-1-2 00:00:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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作者:Eric Lengyel
副书名:Second Edition
出版日期:November 18, 2003

Product Description
This completely updated second edition illustrates the mathematicalconcepts that a game programmer would need to develop aprofessional-quality 3D engine. Although the book is geared towardapplications in game
development, many of the topics appeal to general interests in 3Dgraphics. It starts at a fairly basic level in areas such as vectorgeometry and linear algebra, and then progresses to more advancedtopics in 3D game programming such as illumination and visibilitydetermination. Particular attention is given to derivations of keyresults, ensuring that the reader is not forced to endure gaps in thetheory. The book assumes a working knowledge of trigonometry andcalculus, but also includes sections that review the important toolsused from these disciplines, such as rigonometricidentities,differential equations, and Taylor series.
Key Features
Includes four new chapters: the graphics pipeline, the stencil shadow
rendering technique, curves & surfaces, and numerical methods
* Concentrates on key mathematical topics for programming 3D game engines
Discusses applications in the context of the OpenGL architecture due to
its cross-platform nature and long-standing industry acceptance. Sample
rendering code is presented using ARB vertex programs and fragment
* Selected topics include quaternions, homogeneous
coordinates, ray tracing, bump mapping, portal systems, polygonal
techniques, shadows, and physics
* Includes exercise sets for use as a textbook
New to This Edition
The following are selected revisions in the second edition:
* A new preliminary chapter that provides a review of the 3D rendering pipeline
* A new chapter containing an advanced discussion of the stencil shadow rendering technique
A new chapter covering various numerical methods pertinent to 3D
graphics programming, including numerical solutions to linear systems,
numerical eigenvalue determination, and numerical integration
* A new chapter covering curves and surfaces, including Bézier curves and B-splines
* New discussions of texture filtering, mipmapping, and infinite projection matrices
* Updated lighting method implementations and collision detection techniques
* Additional exercises in all chapters
About the Author
Eric Lengyel (Sunnyvale,
CA) is the Chief Technology Officer for the game engine development
studio, Terathon Software. He holds an M.S. in mathematics from
Virginia Tech and has written several articles for gamasutra.com and
the Game Programming Gems series. He is also the author of The OpenGL
Extensions Guide.


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