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Applied C++: Practical Techniques for Building Better Software

发表于 2009-12-15 22:21:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Philip Romanik, Amy Muntz
出版日期:April 21, 2003
出版社:Addison Wesley

“I really like the software engineering advice givenhere. As the chief engineer/architect for a large development group, Ican say with certainty that the advice given in this book about howreal-world projects must work is right on the mark.”
-Steve Vinoski, coauthor of Advanced CORBA Programming with C++,columnist for C/C++ Users Journal and IEEE Internet Computing, andChief Architect, IONA Technologies
Applied C++ is apractical, straightforward guide to developing high-quality,maintainable software. It reflects the power of C++, templates, and theStandard Template Library for industrial-strength programming. Whetheryou are a single developer or work in a large team, the tips andtechniques presented in this book will help you improve your languageand design skills and show you how to solve substantial problems moreeffectively.
The authors, drawing on their extensive professionalexperience, teach largely by example. To illustrate software techniquesuseful for any application, they develop a toolkit to solve the complexproblem of digital image manipulation. By using a concrete, real-worldproblem and describing exact feature, performance, and extensibilityrequirements, the authors show you how to leverage existing softwarecomponents and the tools inherent in C++ to speed development, promotereuse, and deliver successful software products.
Inside Applied C++, you will find:
  • A C++ templates primer
  • Workable coding guidelines and extensive coding examples
  • Quick lists of need-to-know information about Exceptions, Assertions, and Standard Template Library components
  • A technique for effectively using prototypes to move your design from an initial concept to a robust solution
  • A technique for building debugging support into your software without a ton of overhead
  • Thirteen specific techniques to improve the overall performance of your software


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