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C++ Standard Library Practical Tips

发表于 2009-10-24 23:53:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Greg Reese
出版日期:October 3, 2005
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1584504005 ISBN-13: 978-1584504009

Product Description
Put the Power of the C++ Standard Library to Work!C++ Standard LibraryPractical Tips teaches beginning and experienced programmers how to usethe Standard Library and its major component the Standard TemplateLibrary (STL) effectively in routine programming chores. The bookprovides 100 quick, easy-to-use tips and solutions to commonprogramming problems such as using the right container, getting aC-style array from a vector, initializing a map with specifi ed values,and computing the mean, median, and mode. The solutions are grouped bytopics including, lists, deques, vectors, text processing, numericalalgorithms, numerical processing, and containers so programmers canquickly look up a solution when they encounter a problem. Todemonstrate the use of the tips in practical application, the bookconcludes with a capstone project about digital image processing and,in particular, image enhancement. This application shows the power ofthe Standard Library as it graphically illustrates how just a few linesof Standard Library code can produce major changes in the appearance ofan image.Key Features
* Provides a practical, easy-to-use reference to the C++ Standard Library filled with common programming solutions
* Covers a variety of topics, from general principles of StandardLibrary programming to text strings, vectors, and numeric algorithms
* Shows the practical application of the C++ Standard Library, as opposed to just explaining how the library works
* Provides quick answers to problems such as storing specifiedvalues in an existing container, manipulating groups of bits, merginglists, using a map or multimap as a dictionary, using a class memberfunction in an algorithm, extracting tokens that are betweendelimiters, making a sequence of random numbers, and computingstatistics of data
About the Author
Greg Reese (Dayton, OH) has performed scientifi c programming andalgorithm development in industry and research laboratories for over 15years. He has written in C++ for the last 10 years and has taught thelanguage at the university level. Greg has a Ph.D. in ElectricalEngineering and extensive experience in digital image processing, humanvision, and pattern recognition. Greg is currently Senior ResearchComputing Specialist at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.


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