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Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services

发表于 2009-9-26 09:40:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Zach Seils, Joel Christner
出版日期:May 18, 2008
出版社:Cisco Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1587054949 ISBN-13: 978-1587054945

Product Description
Design and deploy Cisco WAN optimization and application acceleration solutions for the enterprise WAN

Today, IT organizations are increasinglysqueezed by competing demands. They must support more distributed userswho demand greater availability and performance. They must protecttheir digital assets with far more robust security. And they must do itall while gaining far greater control over cost. Distributing ITresources increases management, hardware, and software overhead, butcentralizing IT can worsen application performance. There is a solutionto this quandary: Cisco application acceleration and WAN optimizationtechnologies that permit IT to safely centralize distributed ITresources, meeting user performance expectations without replacingexisting network infrastructure.

Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Servicesis the first comprehensive guide to designing and deploying solutionswith these Cisco technologies. Zach Seils and Joel Christner show howto deploy Cisco WAAS in a scalable, transparent, and seamless fashionthat responds to both your business and technical challenges. Writingfor network design and implementation engineers and other networkingprofessionals, they cover the entire planning and configurationprocess. Drawing on their extensive experience implementing WAAS in theenterprise, they also offer real-world implementation examples and casestudies–including full chapters on network, branch office, and datacenter integration.

Zach Seils, CCIE No. 7861, is a technicalleader in the Cisco Advanced Services Data Center Networking Practice,where he specializes in designing, deploying, and troubleshootingapplication acceleration solutions for the largest Cisco enterprise andservice provider customers.

Joel Christner, CCIE No. 15311, is directorof product management for Reconnex Corporation, the industry leader indata loss prevention (DLP) solutions. Prior to Reconnex, Joel wassenior manager of technical marketing for the Application DeliveryBusiness Unit (ADBU) at Cisco, where he helped drive the product andtechnical strategy for Cisco Wide Area Application Services. Christneris coauthor of Application Acceleration and WAN OptimizationFundamentals.

  • Centrally provision applications to employees in any location without compromising performance
  • Reduce costs by centralizing servers, storage, and applications byleveraging optimization capabilities that integrate cleanly with yourexisting infrastructure
  • Thoroughly understand Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS)and Wide Area Application Engine (WAE) and the business benefitsprovided by them
- -       Perform effective WAAS planning, discovery, and analysis
- -         Use WAAS and interceptionmechanisms such as WCCP or inline to transparently optimize flowstraversing your network for end users accessing centrally deployedand centrally  managed applications, files, and other information
- -         Integrate application acceleration and optimization into data centers, branch offices, and other environments
- -         Learn how to use the Cisco WAASCentral Manager, WAE device GUI, and command-line interface toconfigure, manage, and troubleshoot

This book is part of the NetworkingTechnology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networkingprofessionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks,understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
About the Author

Zach Seils, CCIE No. 7861,is a technical leader in the Cisco Advanced Services Data CenterNetworking Practice. Zach’s focus is the design, deployment, andtroubleshooting of data center and branch application servicessolutions for Cisco largest enterprise and service provider customers.Zach is frequently engaged with partners and internal Cisco engineersworldwide to advise on the design, implementation, and troubleshootingof Cisco WAAS. In addition to working closely with partners andcustomers, Zach collaborates with various Cisco business units onproduct enhancements, testing, and application services architectures.Prior to joining Cisco, Zach spent six years in various seniortechnical roles at a managed service provider.

Joel Christner, CCIE No. 15311,is the director of product management for Reconnex Corporation, theindustry leader in data loss prevention (DLP) solutions. At Reconnex,Joel drives the product strategy and direction for a comprehensiveportfolio of solutions for protecting corporate sensitive informationand ensuring compliance with industry and government regulation. Priorto joining Reconnex, Joel was the senior manager of technical marketingfor the Application Delivery Business Unit (ADBU) at Cisco. Joel ledthe technical marketing engineering team and helped drive productstrategy as a lead contributor to the product management organization.Along with product strategy, Joel and his team were responsible forglobal sales enablement, including technical whitepapers, productpresentations, transfer of information, and competitive leadership.Joel is co-author of the book

Application Acceleration and WAN Optimization Fundamentals (Cisco Press), which outlines architecture and relevance for WAN optimization and application acceleration technologies
in today’s dynamic I/Torganizations. Joel was previously a senior technical marketingengineer within ADBU, and was also part of the data center and storagenetworking advanced technology team within Cisco prior to joining ADBU.Joel’s background and experience includes information security,content, data center networking and security, storage networking, andapplication networking services. Joel is presently an MS ComputerScience student at Columbia University in New York, NY, and holds a BSin Electronics Engineering Technology. Joel is co-author of Application Acceleration and WAN Optimization Fundamentals (CiscoPress), which outlines architecture and relevance for WAN optimizationand application acceleration technologies in today’s dynamic ITorganizations.


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