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CCNP Support Exam Certification Guide

发表于 2009-9-26 09:34:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Amir S. Ranjbar, MSc.
出版日期:October 2000
出版社:Cisco Press

This book is one of the members of the Cisco Press family ofpublications that has been developed to help you prepare yourself forthe Cisco Certification examinations. This book’s specific target isthe Support exam (formerly the Cisco Internetwork Troubleshooting [CIT]Exam). I am a Certified Cisco Systems Instructor, and CIT is one of thecourses that I teach. I started teaching this course in the firstquarter of 1999. I have passed both the old CIT 4.0 and the new Supportexams, and I am fully familiar with the structure, content, andobjectives of each of those exams. My students often ask me how I thinkthe Support exam is different from the old CIT 4.0 exam. My answer isthat I did not notice much change; therefore, any training materialthat can enhance your knowledge of the subjects covered in Cisco’sinstructor-based CIT course is still very much valid and useful.
The Support (640-506) exam is one of the four exams you will need topass to achieve Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)certification in the Routing and Switching career track. The otherthree exams are the Routing (640-503), Switching (640-504), and RemoteAccess (640-505) exams. Optionally, you can take one exam that combinesthese three exams, Foundation 2.0 (640-509), but you will still need topass the Support exam separately to attain CCNP status. Also note thatCisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) status is a prerequisite tobecoming CCNP certified.
Cisco strongly recommends that you attend its CCNP training coursesbefore taking the CCNP exams. Table I-1 shows these courses and howthey roughly map to the various exams. Cisco Press publishescoursebooks and Exam Certification Guides like this one to support yourpreparation for these exams.


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