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Effective Methods for Software Testing Testing

发表于 2009-9-19 11:36:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:William E. Perry
出版日期:May 1, 2006
出版社:Wiley Publishing
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0764598376 ISBN-13: 978-0764598371

Aimed at the working test manager or test engineer, the second  edition of William Perry’s Effective Methods for Software  Testingis one of the most rigorous guides to software testing available. Thisbook provides the latest in standards for measuring how good yourorganization’s commitment to software testing is and many ways toimprove it. In all, with its numerous lists and practical step-by-stepguide to testing, this book points the way toward more economical andeffective software testing.
This book’s major strength is its meticulous 11-step guide to allaspects of today’s software testing process–from initial analysis andtest planning to testing software installation and looking at ways toimprove the testing cycle the next time around. The book is filled withto-do lists that enumerate the resources and tasks required for eachstep with helpful hints for what to do, how to work with management,and how to staff and execute a test plan from start to finish. (Thereis a chapter devoted to each of the 11 steps.) The text alsoincorporates the latest in testing standards from the Quality AssuranceInstitute (QAI), and the author does a good job of integrating testingwith today’s iterative software methodologies. Another standout here isa look at software tools and how they can simplify the testing process.
Of course, few software shops will be as rigorous in real life withthe testing process outlined in this book, but there’s little doubtthat this exhaustive guide sets a high standard that test engineers canaim for. Written in a somewhat formal–yet clear–style, this book cancertainly benefit any software testing engineer or manager. –Richard Dragan
Topics covered: Software testing processfundamentals, Quality Assurance Institute (QAI) test qualityassessment, software defects, Kiviatt charts, testing economics,methodologies and costs, test plans, risk analysis, structural andfunctional testing, dynamic and static testing, manual and automatedtesting, testing tools, stress testing, compliance testing, securitytesting, requirements testing, regression testing, 11-step softwaretesting process, testing client/server, and Web-based systems. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Description
  • Written by the founder and executive director of the QualityAssurance Institute, which sponsors the most widely acceptedcertification program for software testing
  • Software testing is a weak spot for most developers, and many haveno system in place to find and correct defects quickly and efficiently
  • This comprehensive resource provides step-by-step guidelines,checklists, and templates for each testing activity, as well as aself-assessment that helps readers identify the sections of the bookthat respond to their individual needs
  • Covers the latest regulatory developments affecting softwaretesting, including Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404, and provides guidelinesfor agile testing and testing for security, internal controls, and datawarehouses
  • CD-ROM with all checklists and templates saves testers countless hours of developing their own test documentation


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