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Beginning Oracle Application Express

发表于 2009-9-14 17:55:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Rick Greenwald
出版日期:December 22, 2008
出版社:Wrox Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0470388374 ISBN-13: 978-0470388372

Product Description
Oracle Application Express is an easy-to-use application developmentenvironment built on the Oracle technology stack. There are two aspectsof that previous sentence that you may find jarring—that Oracle, acompany widely known for its database technology, has an applicationdevelopment environment, and that Oracle, a company thought of asdelivering high-end, enterprise-ready technology, has anything that iseasy to use.But, as this book will show, the introductory statement iscompletely accurate. Oracle Application Express, commonly known asOracle APEX or simply APEX, does benefit from the long-establishedenterprise-class robustness that is the hallmark of Oracle technology.The applications you build will be able to support hundreds of usersand many terabytes of data, scalability far beyond even the imaginationof most other development environments.
And Oracle APEX, with its declarative, wizard-driven methodology, istruly easy to use. In the course of the few hundred pages of this book,you will not only learn about how to use APEX, you will create a usableorder entry system. The fast learning curve presented in these pages isa consequence of many years of development and refinement of the APEXproduct, which began life almost a decade ago within Oracle.
By the end of this volume, you will know enough to create your ownapplications, as well as having the knowledge and understanding ofOracle APEX and the world of Oracle technology to explore furtherrefinements on your own.
Best of all, you can use APEX with absolutely no cost—either in ahosted environment, as suggested in Chapter 1, or with a free versionof the Oracle database.
Welcome to the world of Oracle Application Express!
This book is aimed at a particular group of users—those who are notfamiliar with Oracle Application Express. The book assumes that youhave a basic knowledge of application development, the type you couldget from playing around with a personal database such as Access. Infact, this book was written with an Access developer in mind—an Accessdeveloper looking to step up to a more scalable and reliableenvironment, with reduced maintenance overhead and greater integrationbetween application systems.
This book covers the use of Oracle Application Express. Although thebook is based on the 3.5 version, you can use the book with olderversions as well. However, since the book will use a hosted version ofOracle Application Express, and since both the Oracle database thatsupport the product and the product itself are available as freedownloads from http://otn.oracle.com, you should be able to use thelatest version easily.
This book is structured to give the reader a gradual introduction tothe essentials of development with Oracle Application Express. The bookcontains the following:
  • Welcome to Oracle!—This contains an overview ofOracle Application Express, as well as instructions on how to set up ahosted development environment for performing the exercises used in thebook.
  • Jumpstart Oracle Application Express—You will leap into creating applications with Oracle Application Express and finish a simple application by the end of this.
  • Extending Your Oracle APEX Application—This willintroduce you to the options in Oracle APEX that let you ensure thatyour users will enter correct data while using your application.
  • Validation, Calculation, Navigation, and Lists—Thiscontinues the exploration of the aspects of APEX that help you toensure that data used in your application is correct. Additionally,this covers basic navigation options for your application.
  • Reporting and Charting—This covers the powerfuland flexible reports you can create with Oracle APEX, and introducesyou to the graphical capabilities of APEX reporting.
  • Components Working Together—This extends your workwith charts, showing how you can create charts that link to a moredetailed view of the data they represent. You will also learn how tocreate a calendar page with links to the data shown as part of thecalendar, and how to add images taken from the underlying database toan Oracle APEX report.
  • Customizing User Interfaces—This explores advancedoptions for customizing user interfaces, on individual pages as well asacross your entire APEX application.
  • PL/SQL—This introduces you to PL/SQL, theunderlying language used to implement your APEX application, anddemonstrates how to use the power of PL/SQL to extend the logic in yourapplication.
  • Security—This covers how security is implemented for your APEX environment.
  • Deployment and Administration—This covers theoptions you have for deploying an APEX application to anotherenvironment and walks you through one of those options. Additionally,this introduces you to the administrative functionality you can use tomonitor and manage your APEX applications.
  • Packaged Applications—This gives an overview ofpackaged applications available for Oracle Application Express, with amore detailed look at a select few.
  • Migration—This describes how to migrate applications from Microsoft Access to Oracle Application Express.
From the Back Cover
Beginning Oracle® Application Express
Even if you have limited programming experience, this hands-on guidewill get you up and running quickly with Oracle Application Express(APEX). It covers the concepts and practical steps involved in buildinga web application from the ground up using Oracle APEX. You’ll discoverhow to progress through the complete development process with the helpof detailed instructions on creating, customizing, and extending anOracle database application.
Highly respected Oracle expert Rick Greenwald begins by giving youthe necessary tools to build a useable order entry system. He thenexplains how to enhance the system with reports, charts, themes, andtemplates. You’ll also find out how to use packaged applications andwork with multiple applications and you’ll learn how to migrate andintegrate data with the Oracle environment.
By the end of this book, you’ll have a strong understanding ofOracle APEX and the world of Oracle technology, which will enable youto build your own applications and create further refinements that meetyour reporting needs.
What you will learn from this book
  • Steps to ensure that users enter correct data while using your applications
  • The powerful and flexible reports you can create with Oracle APEX
  • Advanced options for customizing user interfaces
  • lTechniques for using the power of PL/SQL to extend the logic in your application
  • Ways to implement security for your APEX environment
  • The options for deploying an APEX application to another environment
  • How to migrate applications from Microsoft® Access® to Oracle Application Express
Who this book is for
This book is for Access developers looking to step up to a morescalable and reliable environment, with reduced maintenance overheadand greater integration between application systems.
Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programminglanguages and technologies easier than you think, providing astructured, tutorial format that will guide you through all thetechniques involved.


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发表于 2010-4-13 06:47:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-5-28 18:53:57 | 显示全部楼层
good book for apex

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-26 19:06:38 | 显示全部楼层
very good ,thank you

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-11-26 21:24:08 | 显示全部楼层
照着Oracle apex的文档做一下练习,想提高好好看一下这本书⋯⋯

使用道具 举报

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