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Running Linux, 5th Edition

发表于 2009-9-5 16:44:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, Matt Welsh
出版日期:December 2005

Youmay be contemplating your first Linux installation. Or you may havebeen using Linux for years and need to know more about adding a networkprinter or setting up an FTP server. Running Linux,now in its fifth edition, is the book you’ll want on hand in eithercase. Widely recognized in the Linux community as the ultimategetting-started and problem-solving book, it answers the questions andtackles the configuration issues that frequently plague users, but areseldom addressed in other books.
This fifth edition of Running Linuxis greatly expanded, reflecting the maturity of the operating systemand the teeming wealth of software available for it. Hot consumertopics such
as audio and video playback applications, groupware functionality, andspam filtering are covered, along with the basics in configuration andmanagement that always have made the book popular.

Running Linuxcovers basic communications such as mail, web surfing, and instantmessaging, but also delves into the subtleties of networkconfiguration–including dial-up, ADSL, and cable modems–in case youneed to set up your network manually. The book can
make you proficient on office suites and personal productivityapplications–and also tells you what programming tools are available ifyou’re interested in contributing to these applications.

Othernew topics in the fifth edition include encrypted email andfilesystems, advanced shell techniques, and remote login applications.Classic discussions on booting, package management, kernelrecompilation, and X configuration have also been updated.
The authors of Running Linuxhave anticipated problem areas, selected stable and popular solutions,and provided clear instructions to ensure that you’ll have a satisfyingexperience using Linux. The discussion is direct and complete enough toguide novice users, while still providing the additional informationexperienced users will need to progress in their mastery of Linux.
Whether you’re using Linux on a home workstation or maintaining a network server, Running Linux will provide expert advice just when you need it.


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