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Python for Unix and Linux System Administration

发表于 2009-9-1 15:16:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Noah Gift, Jeremy Jones
出版日期:September 2, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0596515820 ISBN-13: 978-0596515829

Product Description
Python is an ideal language for solving problems, especially in Linuxand Unix networks. With this pragmatic book, administrators can reviewvarious tasks that often occur in the management of these systems, andlearn how Python can provide a more efficient and less painful way tohandle them.Each chapter in Python for Unix and Linux System Administrationpresents a particular administrative issue, such as concurrency or databackup, and presents Python solutions through hands-on examples. Onceyou finish this book, you’ll be able to develop your own set ofcommand-line utilities with Python to tackle a wide range of problems.Discover how this language can help you:
  • Read text files and extract information
  • Run tasks concurrently using the threading and forking options
  • Get information from one process to another using network facilities
  • Create clickable GUIs to handle large and complex utilities
  • Monitor large clusters of machines by interacting with SNMP programmatically
  • Master the IPython Interactive Python shell to replace or augment Bash, Korn, or Z-Shell
  • Integrate Cloud Computing into your infrastructure, and learn to write a Google App Engine Application
  • Solve unique data backup challenges with customized scripts
  • Interact with MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, Postgres, Django ORM, and SQLAlchemy
With this book, you’ll learn how to package and deploy your Pythonapplications and libraries, and write code that runs equally well onmultiple Unix platforms. You’ll also learn about several Python-relatedtechnologies that will make your life much easier.
About the Author
Jeremy Jones Jeremy Jones is a software engineer who works forPredictix. His weapon of choice is Python, but he has done some shell,plenty of Perl, a touch of Java, is currently learning C#, and findsfunctional programming languages (especially OCaml) fascinating.
He is the author of the open source projects Munkware, amultiproducer/multiconsumer, transactional, and persistent queuingmechanism, ediplex, an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) parsingengine, and podgrabber a podcast downloader. All three projects werewritten in the Python language.
Jeremy spends his spare time enjoying his family and doing alittle writing. He lives in Conyers, Georgia, just east of Atlanta,with his wife, Debra; two children, Zane and Justus; a Lab namedGenevieve (how Madelinesque).
Opinions and views expressed by Jeremy are his own and not those of Predictix.
Noah Gift Noah Gift is an author, speaker,consultant, and community leader, writing for publications such as IBMDeveloperworks, Red Hat Magazine, O’Reilly, and MacTech. His consultingcompany’s website is www.giftcs.com , and his personal website iswww.noahgift.com . Noah is also the current organizer for www.pyatl.org, which is the Python User Group for Atlanta, GA. He has givenpresentations at PyCon and PyAtl.
He has a Master’s degree in CIS from Cal State LosAngeles, B.S. in Nutritional Science from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, isan Apple and LPI certified SysAdmin, and has worked at companies suchas, Caltech, Disney Feature Animation, Sony Imageworks, and TurnerStudios.
In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife Leah, and their son Liam, playing the piano, and exercising religiously.


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发表于 2009-11-28 15:33:02 | 显示全部楼层





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