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eXtreme .NET

发表于 2009-8-31 15:17:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Dr. Neil Roodyn
副书名:Introducing eXtreme Programming Techniques to .NET Developers
出版日期:December 10, 2004
出版社:Addison Wesley

eXtreme .NET shows developers and team leaders how to incorporateeXtreme programming (XP) practices with .NET-connected technologies tocreate high quality, low-cost code that will build better software.This practical, realistic guidebook systematically covers key elementsof XP methodology in the specific context of the .NET Framework, VisualStudio .NET, Microsoft Visual C#, and related Microsoft .NET-enabledapplications.
Leading .NET and XP mentor Dr. Neil Roodyn covers planning, taskdefinition, test-driven development, user interfaces, refactoring,spiking, pair programming, and much more. Dr Neil offers field-provenadvice for everything from automating builds to integrating third-partylibraries. He also incorporates valuable exercises and presents astart-to-finish case study that shows exactly how XP and Microsoft .NETinteroperate throughout an entire development project. Coverageincludes:
Where to start if you've never used XP or other Agile methods before
Pair programming: turning .NET programming into a collaborative game
Test-Driven Development: Making sure your .NET code works as intended, while it's easiest to fix
Refactoring: Organizing your .NET code to improve flexibility and enable changes more readily
Continuous integration and automated build/test: enhancing quality in distributed, component-based systems
Spiking: using rapid experimentation to validate your expectations about behavior in the .NET Framework
The importance of customer input to successful projects
How to test .NET user interfaces and third-party libraries
The Microsoft .NET Framework is today's most productive developmentplatform. XP represents a fundamental breakthrough in buildinghigher-value software. Combine them: transform your team into aneXtreme .NET team that can accomplish more than ever before. This bookwill show you howstarting with your very next project.
Dr. Neil Roodyn has been actively involved with eXtreme Programmingsince 1999, and founded Sydney's eXtreme Programming Activity Club(SyXPAC.) He has helped drive the adoption of .NET in Australia throughhis work as a project leader, consultant, instructor, and mentor. Hisclients have ranged from Microsoft to Rogue Wave, and he has helpedlaunch several software startups. He has spent more than a decadeworking with leading-edge technologies, from COM to today's newestmobile platforms. He holds a Ph.D. from the University College London,where he specialized in software architectures for real-time systems.


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