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Ruby in Practice

发表于 2010-1-3 08:53:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Jeremy McAnally, Assaf Arkin
出版日期:March 28, 2009
出版社:Manning Publications
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1933988479 ISBN-13: 978-1933988474

Product Description
Ruby in Practice increases your productivity by showing youspecific Ruby techniques you can use in your projects. The book offersdetailed strategies for using Ruby in a large-scale environment. You’llsee concrete examples of integration, messaging, web development, anddatabases, all presented in a clear Problem/Solution format. This bookwon’t help you push your deadline back, but it will help you get thejob done in less time.Above all, Ruby in Practice is apractical book for developers who want an in depth understanding of theRuby language and its toolset. The book is divided into three majorparts.The first part concentrates on issues that developers face bothfrom within their organizations and from their peers. The authors weighthe costs and benefits of using Ruby in enterprise developmentprojects, the over-riding theme being that every developer shouldalways aim to use the right tool for any particular job. The authorsthen examine the pros and cons of developing with Ruby, and whereappropriate, compare Ruby to other languages, both conceptually and incode.
The second part discusses techniques for communication andintegration of systems. The authors describe how libraries andtechniques are used to facilitate messaging, web development andcommunication automation. They also focus on how the strategies in thefirst section can be used with these libraries to make development moreflexible and efficient.
The last part shows how to manage data and integrate with existingdata using Ruby. The authors describe techniques for using existingRuby libraries that either replace popular Java libraries or caninterface with existing data in a different way. They go on to show youhow strategies covered in the first section can be used to enable Rubyto interact with existing assets or to build new data systems.
About the Author
Jeremy McAnally has been programming for about eight years and doinggraphic design for four years. He is curerntly a freelance Ruby andRails developer, consultant, and author. He has over three years’experience with Ruby and two years’ with Rails; in that time has hasdeveloped a number of small, localized intranet systems and mediumt-large-scale systems in Ruby.
Assaf Arkin got bitten by the business software bug in ‘89, backwhen client-servers were the thing and C was a reasonable language forwriting business logic. In ‘96 he switched to Java, and gave usclient-servers for web apps. In ‘99 he discovered the beauty of XML andthe appeal of open source, and was a founding member of XML Apache. In‘05 he fell for Ruby’s charms and has been using it since fordevelopment and for plugging holes that Java left behind.


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