作者:Robert Ipsen
副书名:Solving HIPAA, E-Paper Act, and Other Compliance Issues
出版社:Wiley Publishing
Overview of the Book and Technology
When the idea for this book came to me, I was interested in focusing primarily
on showing how PKI is being used in various segments of business and gov-
ernment. During this research I was very surprised by how extensive the use
of PKI is and how much it has penetrated all aspects of ecommerce. Even more
surprising was the number of governments around the world that now have
digital signature laws and regulatory requirements for CAs and other organi-
zations related to PKI.
This book covers the essential basics of PKI. My intent, though, was not to
cover the theoretical aspects, but rather show specific examples and provide
models for PKI development and deployment. There are already many fine
books on PKI design and architecture. In many ways, both technologists and
business people can use this book as it provides an understanding of how the
technology can be used and how it can be financially justified.
Wherever possible, each section of the book includes a case study or a refer-
ence to an actual implementation of that aspect of the PKI technology. This
realism highlights how PKI is already being used and can serve as a model for
making decisions about if and how to use PKI to provide trust and confidence
on the Internet. |
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