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Information Security: A Manager’s Guide to Thwarting Data Thieves and Hackers

发表于 2009-12-20 22:29:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Philip Alexander
出版日期:March 30, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0313345589 ISBN-13: 978-0313345586

Review“From issues of security policay standards, to network and DMZdesign, to authentication and authorization, to security issuesassociated with mobile employees, hackers, snoops, viruses, dataprivacy laws, overseas outsourcing and more, Information Security is acomplete instruction manual that is as informed as it is informative.Up-to-date, “reader-friendly”, and comprehensive, Information Securityis strongly recommended reading for anyone with a managementresponsibility that includes data security and computer usage, as wellas a core addition to professional, corporate, academic, and communitylibrary Computer Science & Security reference collections.”–MidwestBook Review/Library Bookwatch
“Data security and beyond! I found this book to be an easy read thatwas an excellent review of a master security checklist. I recommend itto all who are new to security to get the big picture and for seasonedveterans to help you see what you may be missing.”–Rich Owen, CISSP,CPP, Director of Security, Early Warning Services, LLC
“Phil Alexander’s book is a must read for anyone who wants a freshperspective on corporate responsibility and data protection.Congratulations Phil on a beautiful piece of work.”–Robert J. Rebhan,Institute For The Prevention of Financial Crimes, IPFC.us,
“This book is a must read for all holistic information securitypractitioners or anyone seeking to gain a better understanding ofthreats to data that corporations and organizations worldwide arefacing and learn some of the common sense, but effective ways formitigating such threats.”–Taiye Lambo, CISSP, CISA, CISM, HISP, BS7799Auditor Founder, UK Honeynet Project Founder, HISP Institute Founder,eFortresses, Inc.
“Information Security A Manager’s Guide to Thwarting Data Thievesand Hackers introduces a wide range of important information securitytopics, from high-level concepts such as Defense in Depth, to practicalconsiderations of offshore outsourcing. Phil describes securityproblems, solutions, and controversies in a down-to-earth and pragmaticway, frequently drawing on his many years of industry experience forexamples and case-studies. An accessible and versatile book!”–MickBauer, Security Editor, Linux Journal


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