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Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Implementing Applications for S

发表于 2009-9-10 15:57:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Brendon Schwartz, Matt Ranlett, Stacy Draper
出版日期:February 3, 2009
出版社:Wrox Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 047042138X ISBN-13: 978-0470421383

Product Description
Social computing is a fast-moving technology, and many of the conceptsgrow or change every year. Use this book as part of your research forhow you will implement any of the social computing applications, butalso use online research for keeping updated on new changes to thisexciting area of software today. Although social computing applicationscan be written on any framework or even on their own, we have taken aunique approach to help you understand the landscape of socialcomputing as it relates to SharePoint 2007.Each chapter introduces you to the concept of the chapter, forexample, the RSS chapter gives a brief overview of what RSS is and thehistory behind it. Then the chapter provides a section of how this ispossible with SharePoint 2007. Finally, if there are any extensionsthat would make it easier to work with social computing and SharePoint,such as open source code or products you can buy, we briefly discussthese options so you are aware of them for your organization.
This book was written for anyone who is approaching social computingapplications for an enterprise. This would include developers,managers, directors, and even C-level executives. This book is designedto help decision makers learn about the concepts and understand howthey might implement them in their own company. Although this book doesreach out to developers, most of the chapters give examples with eitherbuilt-in options and configuration or show how to use code alreadyinstalled on SharePoint.
Anyone interested in social computing and the topics covered in eachchapter could read this book to get an understanding of what eachconcept has. The You Try It sections do require having SharePoint 2007and some of the features installed to actually attempt them. If you arenot an IT professional or developer, this is the perfect opportunityfor you to start a discussion with your technology group to try outsome of these wonderful tools.
The book is designed to allow the reader to start from not knowingabout social computing to being able to have an understanding of theconcepts and how he or she would use them in his or her company. Toaccomplish this, you can read the book from front cover to back, or youcan pick the specific chapter that your organization is interested in.Because so many people want to know exactly what the topics are andwhat they are about, we have organized the book into chapters that worktogether, but stand alone and provide complete coverage of a topic. Wehave also used a very simple and direct naming of each chapter so youcan quickly recognize what the chapter is about and what it covers.
This book covers the major concepts, applications, andimplementations of social computing and shows how they are built withSharePoint 2007 today. As you noticed earlier, this is a fast-movingarea of computing. Where SharePoint 2007 does not have the capabilitytoday, we made sure and explained how you could extend SharePoint 2007with open source or products you can purchase. We did not cover everyproduct on the market, but we gave you any idea of what you can lookfor when you are trying to extend SharePoint.
The first two chapters provide the introduction for people new tosocial computing and how people will have to manage a social computingproject. The following chapters break out each concept into a chapterto make it easy to get up to speed and understand what the topic isabout.
From the Back Cover
Social Computing with Microsoft® SharePoint® 2007
Social computing is a fast-moving and constantly evolving technologythat aims to increase communication, encourage collaboration, andenhance productivity among people and resources. This book covers themajor concepts, applications, and implementations of social computingand shows you how they are built with SharePoint 2007 today.
Serving as an introduction to social computing applications, thebook answers fundamental questions such as what are social computingapplications, how can these applications be used in my organization,how do I manage a social computing project, and what are the majorcomponents and applications that currently exist? The authors walk youthrough the necessary steps for adopting social computing applicationsand they prepare you for the pitfalls you may face—and explain how toavoid them.
You’ll discover that social computing applications can be written onany framework, or even on their own, and you’ll gain an understandingof the landscape of social computing as it relates to SharePoint 2007.With astrong comprehension of how to use SharePoint 2007 with socialcomputing, you can promote collaboration and interaction between peoplein an organization through the use of blogs, wikis, RSS, mashups, andmore.
What you will learn from this book
  • How to use content tagging to effectively build solutions
  • The benefits of using wikis
  • Why your company should have a blog and how you can create it
  • How to incorporate SharePoint 2007 with podcasting
  • Various ways to use mashups
  • The importance of using social computing search in order to have a successful application
Who this book is for
This book is for anyone who is interested in using the concepts,applications, and implementations of social computing. Experienceworking with social computing is not necessary.
Wrox guides are crafted to make learning programming languages andtechnologies easier than you think. Written by programmers forprogrammers, they provide a structured, tutorial format that will guideyou through all the techniques involved.


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