本帖最后由 石头 于 2009-9-8 16:35 编辑
作者:Chris Georgenes
出版日期:April 16, 2009
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0240521315 ISBN-13: 978-0240521312
“As a veteran Flash animator, Chris offers the reader a wealth oftraditional Flash animation techniques; however, what makes this bookeven more valuable is the knowledge he offers of ways to use the latestfeatures in the current tool.” -Richard Galvan, Product Manager, Flash
“Chris effortlessly breaks down complicated topics intoeasy-to-learn nuggets of digital animation wisdom. You learn everythinga Flash animator wants-lip syncing tricks, walk-cycles, photo cut-outanimation and even more advanced concepts like frame-by-frametraditional animation.” -Aaron Simpson, Animation Producer and Founderof ColdHardFlash.com
“Through it’s refreshing and approachable design, this book was aninstant hit and invaluable resource in our studio. We often recommendit to Flash newbies who are starting on their creative journey.” -GrayGoldberger, Animation Director, Fablevision |
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