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Programming C#, 4th Edition Edition

发表于 2009-8-30 07:20:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

作者:Jesse Liberty
副书名:Building .NET Applications with C#
出版日期:February 2005

Theprogramming language C# was built with the future of applicationdevelopment in mind. Pursuing that vision, C#’s designers succeeded increating a safe, simple, component-based, high-performance languagethat works effectively with Microsoft’s .NET Framework. Now the favoredlanguage among those programming for the Microsoft platform, C#continues to grow in popularity as more developers discover itsstrength and flexibility. And, from the start, C# developers haverelied on Programming C# both as an introduction to the language and ameans of further building their skills.
The fourth edition of Programming C#–the top-selling C#book on the market–has been updated to the C# ISO standard as well aschanges to Microsoft’s implementation of the language. It also providesnotes and warnings on C# 1.1 and C# 2.0.
Aimed at experienced programmers and web developers, Programming C#,4th Edition, doesn’t waste too much time on the basics. Rather, itfocuses on the features and programming patterns unique to the C#language. New C# 2005 features covered in-depth include:
  • Visual Studio 2005
  • Generics
  • Collection interfaces and iterators
  • Anonymous methods
  • New ADO.NET data controls
  • Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming
Author Jesse Liberty, an acclaimed web programming expert andentrepreneur, teaches C# in a way that experienced programmers willappreciate by grounding its applications firmly in the context ofMicrosoft’s .NET platform and the development of desktop and Internetapplications.
Liberty also incorporates reader suggestions from previous editions to help create the most consumer-friendly guide possible.


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