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网络通信安全 今日: 0|主题: 380|排名: 16 

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新来的,大家请多关照! hanying822 2010-3-18 3177 昵超泉 2010-4-24 10:46
《TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview》(pdf)电子书下载  ...2 kfuhnud 2009-1-27 171168 昵超泉 2010-4-24 10:43
802.11 Wireless LAN Fundamentals 石头 2009-9-18 3868 昵超泉 2010-4-24 10:42
Wiley.The.IMS.IP.Multimedia.Concepts.and.Services.2nd.Edition - [售价 3 枚学习币] dellpc 2010-4-10 2201 昵超泉 2010-4-24 10:42
[eBook-Telecommunication]_Broadband_Telecommunications_Handbook_-_VPNS,3GW,GPRS, finalboy520 2010-4-22 0742 finalboy520 2010-4-22 22:42
WiMAX Evolution Emerging Technologies and Applications(Wiley) xiaolongzhang 2010-3-30 5572 人然重 2010-4-20 12:46
Cognitive Radio Technology (communications engineering) - B. Fette (Newnes, 2006 xiaolongzhang 2010-3-30 3766 aabccott 2010-4-17 21:11
Applied Security Visualization 石头 2009-12-26 4724 然萱朗 2010-4-15 03:30
Configuring-IS-IS Protocol dellpc 2010-4-10 0666 dellpc 2010-4-10 12:20
中文在线德克萨斯扑克室 最好的德州扑克室 德州扑克玩家的最爱! 9999ipoker 2010-3-15 3192 卫潇湘 2010-4-8 21:41
MPLS+VPN培训教材 liao 2009-10-4 4773 卫潇湘 2010-4-8 21:41
《VLAN详解》(pdf)电子书下载  ...23 小小豪 2009-1-26 232716 卫潇湘 2010-4-8 21:39
Handbook of Information Security, Threats, Vulnerabilities, Prevention, Detectio 石头 2009-12-26 8705 蓝敬骟 2010-4-7 19:20
Smartphone Operating System Concepts with Symbian OS: A Tutorial Guide 鱼和流氓 2009-1-26 81251 荟伶灏茹 2010-4-6 21:42
微软网络安全讲座 ben123ben 2010-2-5 9644 youxin123 2010-4-3 07:43
IEEE P802.11n_2009 xiaolongzhang 2010-3-30 1469 youxin123 2010-4-3 07:42
Cognitive Radio Arch. - The Engineering Foundations of Radio XML - J. Mitola (Wi xiaolongzhang 2010-3-30 0588 xiaolongzhang 2010-3-30 14:56
<<wireless communications>>无线通讯(pdf)电子书下载 爱屋及屋 2009-1-26 83024 无敌艺蔚 2010-3-28 20:03
Ice-1.3.0中文版手册 dgxin 2009-1-27 9726 瑶吉萌 2010-3-26 21:31
网线的接法 wb1987 2010-3-2 0410 wb1987 2010-3-2 15:42
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