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编程语言 今日: 0|主题: 747|排名: 26 

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HTML基础教程 原点冰 2010-1-6 2503 xiexuchina 2010-1-7 12:35
Windows程序设计的圣经:Petzold(电子书籍下载) peter--ye 2010-1-7 0543 peter--ye 2010-1-7 11:37
鲁棒的数据库持久层设计 中文版 persistenceLayer LWSQRoVZ 2009-1-27 41152 dengwei02 2010-1-6 16:12
C++ Templates 石头 2009-12-6 2466 hanwukong 2010-1-6 03:03
[问题求助] Thinking in Java mice 2009-9-9 8556 supperbond 2010-1-5 23:20
Foundations of Python Network Programming (DJVU英文版) 鱼和流氓 2009-1-27 43573 supperbond 2010-1-5 23:14
Ruby: Visual QuickStart Guide 石头 2010-1-2 2521 supperbond 2010-1-5 23:10
Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies 石头 2009-9-10 2682 tzuheng56 2010-1-5 00:05
Beginning Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 石头 2009-9-10 6925 tzuheng56 2010-1-5 00:04
Programming in C (3rd Edition) 石头 2009-10-23 6776 karnak1037 2010-1-4 23:11
The Well-Grounded Rubyist 石头 2010-1-3 1519 gaofenggao 2010-1-4 09:52
Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition 石头 2010-1-3 0668 石头 2010-1-3 08:49
Learn to Program, Second Edition 石头 2010-1-3 0484 石头 2010-1-3 08:42
Design Patterns in Ruby 石头 2010-1-3 0591 石头 2010-1-3 08:40
The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd 石头 2010-1-3 0552 石头 2010-1-3 08:38
Refactoring in Ruby 石头 2010-1-2 2475 eckelcn 2010-1-2 21:45
Enterprise Recipes with Ruby and Rails 石头 2009-9-1 6562 thg9 2010-1-2 19:07
The Ruby Programming Language 石头 2010-1-2 2626 benshaoxw 2010-1-2 14:27
Ruby Pocket Reference 石头 2010-1-2 1539 fujitsu 2010-1-2 11:01
Ruby Best Practices 石头 2010-1-2 1563 fujitsu 2010-1-2 10:59
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